The investment holding company owned by Manuel Lao becomes one of the main investors in the Sacyr infrastructure concessions group
Nortia Capital has become a shareholder of Sacyr with a 3.05% share in its capital, as reported to the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (CNMV). Thus, the investment holding company owned by Manuel Lao has become one of the main investors in the Sacyr infrastructure concessions group. With this investment, Nortia Capital continues its investment activity in the field of infrastructure and sustainability. It also currently holds an 8.168% share in Merlin Properties, a long-term, strategic investment. In recent months, the investment holding company has made investments in the sustainable food and foodtech sectors, in renewable energies, in infrastructures focused on global sustainability, in retirement homes and in hotels, among others. The oil company Disa (14.6%) holds the largest share in Sacyr, followed by José Manuel Loureda, founder of the construction company (8.3%), Grupo Fuertes (6.3%), Goldman Sachs (5.9%), Beta Asociados (José del Pilar Moreno Carretero, with 5%), Norges Bank (3.6%), Nortia Capital (3.05%) and Covalis (1%).